All new client jobs posted on GoHire go through a manual approval process before they are sent out to job boards. In addition, job boards often have their own review process which can affect if your job will be accepted or not.
Below are some reasons why your job may have been rejected by our system:
Email not verified
Using a non-company email account like Gmail or Hotmail
User emails don't match the company domain
Job not representing a real and currently available offer
Job description not detailed enough
Job not unique or duplicated
Outbound links included in the job description
Mismatched fields
Added additional 'Apply here' link
General recruitment/location blasted jobs
Using one account for multiple clients
Spam or similar type of job post
You can learn about the above guidelines in more detail by reading this article.ย
Need help? Get in touch
If you have read and adhered to the guidelines in that article and still need help just hit the message button in the bottom right corner and we will get back to you ASAP.